
martes, 9 de abril de 2013


Well well well, Easter (semana santa) gone and a lot of memories staying in my mind. All of them very valuable, but poc a poc i bona lleta com es diria a casa meva

One friend from Spain came to visit us in Slovenija, the reason, have holidays but also I tricked him, how? with a workshop, I told him that we will do a workshop in Slovenija in some youth center. But first we needed to create this workshop. At the end after some internets chats, and one meeting in Spain we got to organise a theater workshop were the point would be work in language barriers with youngsters.
At the end, was 2 hours and a half of workshop + 2 street performance, 1 performance created from youngsters and the other a clown performance, were 4 tourist clowns will perform about the importance to learn some languages.

But for us, the result, I mean, what will happen during the performance wasn't the most important. The most important, the most challenging, was connect a group of unknowns and help them to work together, speak only in our mother tongue and foster the understanding between people. And yes! We got that goals, the energy from the group after the workshop was amazing, everybody was connect in a different level, I can't explain by words, we were one.
After this experience with David we were in other world during the rest of the days, we felt full of bliss, unbelievable...

Then, after easter, once we visited Venice and appear in the newspaper of Sunday...

 ...was time to be focused in the next step, "We are Europe" Training course from MSOK (the people from my ex-organisation in Sl.Konjice ask me if I could be a trainer for this youngsters) and I had to prepare two workshops, one about Youth in Action and the other about job opportunities in other countries, the experience also was fantastic, a group of 22 youngsters come from different European countries, with a lot of energy, motivation and really smart brains, I had to give the best of myself.

Role playing, brainstorming, non formal education peer to peer, sitting on the floor, on the chair, on the table, sharing experiences, emotions, feelings, discussions, games, smiles, laugh, sleeping, boring, hard, dreams, future, group culture, mutual understanding, tolerance, citizens, values...


Hey guys everything it's about your actitude, don't give up!

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013


...It seems one year ago since the last post, at least for me, in this... almost two months I couldn't stop and I did a lot of things, I will remember only the most importants...

Parc de l'Agulla
I tried to arrange everything with my ID card in Spain, but I hadn't luck. We went to Spain with Tjasa and I introduced her to my family, friends and dog. She is really great girl. We had good time, fresh air, bliss, sun and a lot of Spanish food, oh god, we came with 5 quilos more!

Sweet girl sweet dog :-)
While we were in Spain, visiting nice places, in Slovenija were fighting against the snow (but still we are fighting at the end of March...) with temperatures below 0ºC, well this is the life.

For the other hand, a lot of important news have arrived, but I won't tell now, it isn't the moment, but everything seem that starts to work. I'm very happy for that, although really scared.

Easter it's comming and with that holidays also David, we are going to to a workshop in Maribor, in Ekepa, with youngsters and at the end we will organise some street performances, great! New experiences, new learns.

This year my triathlon season won't be so great, maybe I won't race too much, I can't train too much, but well I'm trying to keep on fit, teaching in some SPINNING(r) marathons and workouts, swimming, biking, running and teaching and training in functional trainings, and TRX(r) .

Shoulder push up, one of the hardest, still I'm improving the inclination
4h Non Stop Fitness Center Zdravo (PTUJ) Team teaching with Blaz Selih

Hei guys! Keep your mind in a positive actitud!
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viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013


Vitezi belega volka  (Promotional Video) 

Yeah, here I am, again. Enjoying the life, doing whatever I want, writting this lines inside the bar of Mladinski Center Celje, with a white coffe (Belo Kavo prosim...) because outside there's already -6ºC, good weather for wear short pants if we take in consideration the Slovenian winter: temperatures can arrive around -20ºC. =)

In a few hours I'll be in Croatia, close to Zagreb, with Vitezi belega volka (middle age group, they are amazing, they fight with swords and armors that weight around 5 to 15kg or maybe more, great people, and also, they start to make a fire group and I'm really illusionated about that, gremo gremo, fire fire!)

This weekend we are going to participate in a big battle field of knights, if I didn't understand wrong, around 200 people are going to take part in that event. Close to Zagreb, food, sleep and show guaranteed...

I'm really excited about this, because never I've been in Zagreb and also because, now starts a new circle in my life, new doors are opened, a new world it's going to appear in front of my eyes, and at this time I'm not feeling alone, in this uncertainly way I'm walking with others and the big shit is that I already jump and now I don't know how to stop this =)
Also there's something true about everyone of us: CAMINAREMOS POR SENDEROS QUE NO IMAGINAMOS (we are going to walk by paths that we never imagine before...)

Also if I didn't understand wrong, tomorrow I'm going to participate in my first fight with swords, sure they will kill me the first, but anyway, it's gonna be a good day for die!

A otra cosa mariposa,  last week, exactly yesterday after work, we had a lunch meeting with friends and EVS people in Slovenske Konjice, remembering old times (well not so old, but the EVS life seems that happened long time) only four months, but ¡me cago en la puta, qué lejos que queda!

We had a good time and good conversations, at the end this is the most important, enjoy all the moments, thank you guys! See you next time!

What else, oh yeah, one step ahead, I've found new jobs, trainning kids in track and field (athletics) and one day per week adults, only for few months but, well, better it's that than nothing, in two months I will see what I'm gonna do, but for the moment, there is.

For all the people that it's following that lines, the international project that we are preparing in SRK Celje, still we are working in it, we got some.... setbacks, but we are trying to find new strategies and keep on working, the motivation didn't fall down, but after 4 months of meetings and really hard work, couldn't present the project, was quite hard for all of us... Next deadline in May.

See you soon?
Sure I will try to writte something about this weekend, and picture it. I hope will be epic!

Hey guys, don't give up!

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


Well, this weekend it's going to be my first year in Slovenija, one year far away from family, friends, work, university, my training tracks...

It has been a year full of emotions, with no middle terms, has been a year full of good and bad experiences, but over everything, has been a year that I have found myslef, although I suspect that I haven't found everything of myself, but sure I've found a lot.

I've found friends, I've found trip partners, I've found new challenges, new fears and also I started to face old ones. "Life it's a challenge..." This is what it's written in one bottle of water, and it's true but it's a challenge only if you want, If you are disposed to feel the emotions in their maximum expression. Only it's a challenge if you are disposed to go untill the end and follow your dreams even if somebody tell to you that you are crazy...

For me, even I'm really positive and omptymisthic, it's not easy be abroad, and less, start from "0", my mood all the time it's like a fair attraction, now it's up and then it's down, I'm circles, flips, curves... After the experience of EVS the life turns harder and, more... uncertain... I'd deceptions, dissappointments, but from every I learnt a lot.

Of course, I could come back and stay in Spain... But no... This is not my style I try to don't regret anything what I decided... Always I'm following my pulses and then I convert my life in a frenetic and intense experience... Maybe I'm wrong all the time, maybe I should come into the normal way, live a normal life, walk in the same direction that the others, but no, I want to see what will happen if I decided to follow my thoughts...

When I decided to start that... adventure? Trip? Searching of something...? I knew, that won't l be perfect and won't be full of bliss all the time, I knew what to expected from myself and also that sometimes I should put my... because the things won't follow the plan, if ever I had one.

A part of following my dreams I'm trying to find my place, I'm looking up for that place that I will feel like home... Every day I'm closer I know, but before arrive the day I have a lot to do.

I achieved new jobs, new style life and new projects for my future. I like the situation that I'm living, permit me to have open mind easly, be more creative all the time and that feeling of outsider it's one of the best and worst things that ever happen to me!

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Pessimism never won any battle.

Salut i força, a seguir pedalant!

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

"SOMNITIMES" HAPPEN before to end the year...

SOMNITIMES HAppen you are walking trhought the street and the police decided to stopped you and check if you are the guy who somebody saw in the door of the supermarket asking for a money. Also SOMNITIMES happen you answer to that, of course I don't have anything else to do but for the only thing that I would ask is for work. SOMNITIMES happen this s****** policeman is advising you wich is the best place to go, he is stupid, this not SOMNITIMES happen, ALWAYS HAPPEN.

SOMNITIMES happen  you feel weak and with no energy, but then also if you did you homework and you are trained SOMNITIMES happen the voice of your conscience say to you, you already decided for that, you already knew what you will have to face some day, and SOMNITIMES happen you listen that voice and decided to go ahead even you are not in the best moment, 'cause SOMNITIMES happen you know that everything it's gonna be all right, and you will find your way, this ups and downs ALWAYS HAPPEN.

SOMNITIMES happen you must be pacient, if something have to be, will be, if not don't worry, make it easy is the most difficult thing. But ALWAYS HAPPEN you might try and do your best.

SOMNITIMES happen before to end the year, you recieved such a bad notice and you decided to stay home SOMNITIMES happen that you recieved a unexpected call from the last person that you will expect and invite to you and his friends to distract your mind, this not ALWAYS HAPPEN, but never we walk alone, this ALWAYS HAPPEN.

SOMNITIMES happen you want to end your year practising sport, and ALWAYS HAPPEN you did, of course with efford.

AND NOW, i DON'T know what SOMNITIMES happen, I'm really interested about what it's going to occur in my life, of course, I won't do empty promises and wishes for 2013, only work hard in my projects, health and bliss for everyone....


But yes, SOMNITIMES happen you also start the year doing what you love, practising sport, here the pictures from the swim on the river SAVINIJA 1st of Jannuary, with a lot of crazy people and more members of SRK Celje

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012


Bueno y seguimos a lo nuestro, hoy se ha puesto a nevar otra vez, hemos bajado a -4ºC y me siento muy perezoso...

Esta semana la estoy cerrando mucho mejor, porque la semana pasada estuve al límite del derrumbe físico (literalmente), demasiados entrenaminentos, muzanda al búnker, nuevas notícias, reuniones... pero parece que poco a poco mi cuerpo va asimilando este estrés y también la alimentación, me he decidido por controlarla un poco más y mejor, asi que voy ascendiendo "sin prisa pero sin pausa".

Si el mundo no se acaba se preveen unos días un poco complicados, compromisos sociales, menos trabajo debido a las vacaciones, más entrenamientos... En resumen, van a ser unos días moviditos, espero que para todos vaya a ser lo mismo y para los que tengáis objetivos en mente, no os desviéis mucho del camino o la vuelta a los entrenamientos ¡Váis a querer morir!

Qué puedo decir... Oh si, tengo una bici de ensueño, es más vieja que yo, 30 añitos ni más ni menos, marca puramente Eslovena y va fina como la seda, espero poder ahorrar un poco y convertirla en fixie con plato de 53 jaja. El cuenta quilómetros es de aguja, con estilo racing, muchos de vosotros seguro que no los conocéis, yo tampoco, aunque no me resultó nada extraño cuando la conseguí gratis. Pesa una tonelada y media y rodando al límite cada día... Cuando pille la de carretera...¡Voy a volar! Aquí van unas pics:

A parte de rodar en bici cada día, con el ojo puesto en la temporada de triatlón que empieza, trabajo duro cada clase de spinning. Me dejo la piel en ella y si es necesario se baila gangan style en mitad de la sesión! Fue genial! Estoy orgulloso de trabajar muy duro porque después tiene su recompensa, al final de la clase siempre hay algun alumno que literalmente ha flotado y te lo viene a agradecer. Pues para eso estoy, trabajo para ellos, para darles en una hora algo especial, que les haga sentir diferentes y además hacer un entrenamiento duro. Pagan por algo, ¿no?

Christmas training
Mañana me toca una sesión de demostración de spinning y tengo que prepararme la clase aún... Buff que desastre que soy...

Hay un montón de proyectos abiertos, algunos de ellos los hemos empezado a trabajar junto con Sandi, otros... tengo que esperar a que pase fin de año y otros pues estamos en ellos sin embargo no podemos coincidir pero lo conseguiremos ¡gremo Keglo y Sabrina!

Lep posdrav 
Srečno novo leto 2013

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

SNOW TIME... seems that in Slovenija, the christmas already has landed, everything it's white, and also cold... Really, I'm not use to that weather, but anyway I will survive! The christmas lights are working and the people start to buy presents, you can drink cook wine and eat goulaz (it's f**** good meal!), and you can smell in the air the winter holidays are close... Yeaaaah!

Last Sunday, 9th of December, we went with the triathlon club to Velenje, to participate in Sta. Barbara's relay race, 3.3k, was a snow cross, I think it's the best word to describe that race. the teams were formed by 4 members.
We had a sunny day and was a great party! For me was the first run after 3 weeks without runnning and I enjoyed a lot.

I met a lot of people from my European Volunteer experience in Sl. Konjice, the coach that taught me during these 9 months, the president of the Athletic School, and also some great athletes that I had the pleasure to met and worked a little with them also in these experience... Was nice to see all of you again!

What more can I say...? I don't know, I'm having a great time in Slovenija and everything it's starting to move ahead, so... In few days I hope I will start to have my own routines and miss the free time! :)

The big big family

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